
  • 聯(lián)系我們







    There are so many ways to promote websites nowadays. Please search the "methods and means of promoting my website". The website promotion method is identical, in fact everyone is saying, all in the talk, but really good but few people, this is why? In fact, Mr. Lu believes that the emphasis on efficiency of promotion. Some of the problems that I've come up with in my promotion.

    Phenomenon one: are you talking and promoting at the same time?

    好不容易抽出時間搞搞網(wǎng)站推廣,突然企鵝的腦袋一個勁晃動,還是聊會吧……我承認,聊天能增強人際關(guān)系,但你有沒有想過,原本一個小時可以把網(wǎng)址推廣出去的工作,你卻用了兩個小時?有時候跌跌撞撞做推廣,總是會發(fā)生難免的差錯?!疚矣型小?br /> It's not easy to find time to promote the website, and suddenly the head of the penguin is shaking, or chatting... I admit that chatting can enhance relationships, but have you ever thought that you could have used the web site for an hour to get the web site to work for two hours? Sometimes stumbling into promotion, it always makes mistakes. I feel the same way.

    Phenomenon 2: do you like very erotic, very violent's web page?

    上次在網(wǎng)站推廣的途中,突然彈出一個網(wǎng)頁,很黃很暴力,趕緊點開一百個鏈接一個個地看……,看完了,心情舒暢了,推廣的事又拖后了。博友斷峰狼說到:我很傻很天真地被騙來了~ 【我有同感】
    Last time on the way to promote the website, a page suddenly popped up, very erotic, very violent, quickly click a hundred links to see... After reading, the mood is relaxed and the promotion has been delayed. "I was cheated out of too simple, sometimes naive," said bo youfeng.

    Phenomenon 3: do you have no specific purpose?

    博友taobao說:其實現(xiàn)在還是找不到方向的。推廣網(wǎng)站要有目的性,而不是上前就橫一杠子,到一些不相關(guān)的網(wǎng)站推廣你的網(wǎng)站,連拉帶拽、故布疑陣,用盡各種手段說到:“歡迎到我的野窩(lusongsong.com)”。比如我的微博客,每天都有一堆群發(fā)垃圾評論。在者,你的網(wǎng)站是關(guān)于減肥、保健方面的內(nèi)容,你偏偏跑到我這個網(wǎng)站設(shè)計博客搞推廣,首先用戶群就不對位,再次,我不刪你評論才怪呢。所以說,發(fā)布信息一定要與針對性?!疚矣型小?br /> 'it's still not in the right direction,' says blogger taobao. Promotion website to have a purpose, rather than to cross a thick stick, to unrelated websites promoting your web site, even with free, so the cloth yizhen, use a variety of means said: "welcome to my wild nest (lusongsong.com)". My micro-blog, for example, has a lot of spam comments every day. In person, your site is about to lose weight, the content of the care, you must run this to my web design blog promotion, first of all, is not a user group, once again, I will not delete your comment to blame? Therefore, the release information must be targeted. I feel the same way.

    Phenomenon 4: do you like to listen to other people cheat?

    Was to be a good job, they should have done an hour altogether unconsciously ran to the webmaster station listen to fool others, especially in some promotion experience sharing, in deep cannot extricate oneself, then drop promotion, closed my eyes and began to fantasy............ I feel the same way.

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