
  • 聯(lián)系我們







    1、學生問:0基礎應該從哪里著手? 1, the student asked: 0 basis should start from? 答:做網(wǎng)站就跟打仗一樣,只有做到知己知己方能百戰(zhàn)百勝。所以,0基礎要做的就是了解網(wǎng)站是怎么做出來的。網(wǎng)站的制作流程知道了,著手還難嗎? A: do website just like war, only do friends friends can ever victorious. So, zero foundation have to do is to understand how website. The process of website know, is harder to? 2、學生問:網(wǎng)站的制作流程是什么? 2, students ask: site of production process is what? 答:① 網(wǎng)頁效果圖的設計(網(wǎng)頁美工) Answer: (1) the design of the web page rendering (web design) ② Div css網(wǎng)頁布局 (2) Div CSS page layout ③ 借助開源cms,生成動態(tài)網(wǎng)站 (3) using open source CMS, generate dynamic web site ④ 購買域名空間,備案,網(wǎng)站上線。 (4) to purchase the domain name space, for the record, the website online. 網(wǎng)頁還想有一些特效的話,學習一下js是非常必要的。 Web page also want to have some special effects, it is necessary to learn js. 3、學生問:你說的網(wǎng)頁效果圖、divcss、網(wǎng)站后臺都是什么意思?。? 3, student asked: what you said web page rendering, divcss, website backstage is what mean? 答:我這么說大家可能就理解了,你把網(wǎng)站的制作過程想成房子裝修的過程。 A: I said so you can understand, you think of your website production process as the process of house decoration. 房子要裝修,先設計效果圖,有了效果圖才知道裝修好之后是什么樣的。效果圖有了,接下來就是施工,相對網(wǎng)頁而言,就是網(wǎng)頁布局。最后,給房子添置家電,就能入住了。有了網(wǎng)站后臺,我們的網(wǎng)站就可以添加圖片、發(fā)布文章了。 To decorate a house, first design rendering, the rendering just know what is good after decorating. Rendering a, followed by construction, relative to the web, is the page layout. Finally, add the house appliances, can stay. Has the website backstage, our website can add pictures, published articles. 4 4 4、學生問:做網(wǎng)頁一般用的那些軟件? Page 4, students ask: do the software used commonly? 答:一般3個軟件就夠了,ps做網(wǎng)頁效果圖,dreamweaver做網(wǎng)頁布局,firework用了切圖。 A: the general three software is enough, ps do web page rendering, dreamweaver page layout, firework in the figure. 5 5 5、學生問:學了網(wǎng)頁,能做什么?好就業(yè)? 5, students ask: the web page, can I do? Good job? 答:問這個問題,說明對網(wǎng)頁了解甚少。如今哪個公司的發(fā)展可以離開互聯(lián)網(wǎng),有網(wǎng)絡存在的地方,就有對網(wǎng)頁人才的需求。其次,淘寶對網(wǎng)頁人才需求也是特別大。所以,企業(yè)對網(wǎng)頁人才的需要,一直是供不應求。 Answer: ask the question that the web is poorly understood. Which company now can leave the development of the Internet, there is a network of place, there is the need of talent for web. Second, taobao for web talent demand is extremely large. So, the enterprise's need for web talent, has always been in short supply.

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