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    1.要吸引搜索引擎 1. To attract search engines 要確保網(wǎng)站能吸引搜索引擎。一個親和用戶的網(wǎng)站同時也是一個能讓搜索引擎高興的網(wǎng)站。在圖片中加入大量的文本描述和標題,用文本導航條取代圖片或java描述語言菜單,避免框架結(jié)構(gòu)、Flash或任何妨礙搜索引擎蜘蛛程序索引的編碼,為每頁加入標題及元標識引導頁內(nèi)內(nèi)容匹配,使目標關(guān)鍵詞及搜索用語分散在網(wǎng)站內(nèi)部,便于搜索引擎針對相關(guān)搜索時,你的網(wǎng)站可以獲得較好的排名及收錄進較好的目錄,這些都是可以吸引搜索引擎的不錯的辦法。 Make sure the site attracts search engines. A website that is both friendly and user friendly is also a site that makes search engines happy. Add large amounts of text description and title in pictures, use text navigation bar instead of pictures or Java description language menu, avoid frame structure, Flash or any obstruction index search engine spiders program code, add title and meta tags for each page in the page content match, scatter target keywords and search terms within the site, search engine for relevant search, your site can get good rankings and included in a better directory, which can be a good way to attract search engine. 2.增加網(wǎng)站地圖 Add a map of your site 不管您的網(wǎng)站規(guī)模有多大,您都應該加入一個詳細的文本格式的站內(nèi)地圖,地圖中的每個鏈接都應指向網(wǎng)站的每一個網(wǎng)頁,最好附有每個網(wǎng)頁的內(nèi)容簡介。站內(nèi)地圖不僅使瀏覽者很好的從你的站點上找到某些特別信息,而且它是蜘蛛爬行程序的好食物,它可以使搜索引擎很容易的索引到站點上的每一頁。而且加入站內(nèi)地圖的好處就是你不用把每一個網(wǎng)頁鏈接到主頁上,只要在站內(nèi)地圖上做好這些鏈接就可以了。 No matter how big is your web site, you should join a detailed text format standing figure on the mainland, the map of every link should point to the website of each web page, preferably with each web page introduction to the content. Standing mainland figure not only make them very good from your site to find some special information, and it is a good food, a spider crawler it makes it easier for search engines to index to each page on your website. Also, the advantage of joining the site is that you don't have to link every page to the home page, just do the links on the mainland map. 3.要合理的布局 Have a reasonable layout 布局合理這樣有助于親和瀏覽者,不至于使他們對網(wǎng)站產(chǎn)生迷惑從而失去繼續(xù)瀏覽的興趣。而在網(wǎng)站的每頁設計布局上都應該遵循常識慣例,使每一頁都做到設計合理,布局協(xié)調(diào)一致。這就是說,同一頁面上使用統(tǒng)一的顏色、標識、協(xié)調(diào)的導航條、標題和頁腳,鏈接特征一致。 The layout is reasonable so that they can help your visitors and your visitors, so that they don't confuse the site and lose interest in continuing to browse. In each page layout of the website should follow common sense convention, make every page design reasonable, layout is coordinated. This means that the same page USES uniform colors, logos, coordinated navigation bars, headings, and footers, and the link features are consistent. 4.合理的導航結(jié)構(gòu) 4. Reasonable navigation structure 設計網(wǎng)站導航菜單時,使用合理的標題和鏈接描述。例如,網(wǎng)站設計服務要比因特網(wǎng)服務更加直覺易懂。使用Cookie Crumbs表示出瀏覽者所處的站點位置。就像在某些站點及搜索門戶的頂部顯示一樣,告訴瀏覽者已經(jīng)瀏覽過的類目或網(wǎng)頁,從而引導瀏覽者了解整個網(wǎng)站的路徑。你可以使用Call-to-Action鏈接模式引導瀏覽者查看下一個網(wǎng)頁或者采取下一步行動,如,點擊這里預定,將此頁加入標簽或查看目錄等。 When designing a website navigation menu, use a reasonable title and link description. For example, web hunqing.37ix.com.cn jiaxiao.71ix.com sjzjiankong.89ix.com baojieq.75ix.com baojieb.75ix.com zucheb.75ix.comdesign services are more intuitive than Internet services. Use Cookie Crumbs to indicate where the visitor is located. Like the top display on some sites and search portals, tell your visitors what you've already seen or web pages to guide your visitors through the site's path. You can use the call-to-action link mode to guide the viewer to view the next page or take the next step, for example, to click here to make a reservation, to add the page to the tag or to view the directory.

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