
  • 聯(lián)系我們







    If you produced a new cell phone, a 8000000 megapixel camera, a 1080 p resolution display, can undertake high-definition filming, can edit and share. How will you sell to the user? Will say: "the new 8000000 megapixel camera provides up to 1080 p high-definition video cameras, and mobile phone built-in editing tool, can be directly share to friends." Although words make myself clear, but the average user will be blocked outside the professional vocabulary such as 1080 p. They don't know what the number represents, also don't know how much is good. Take a look at how to say the iPhone. 
    “拍攝,編輯,分享。所有都是高清?!辈恍枰珡?fù)雜,用戶一眼就能看懂。我們說,用戶不關(guān)心這些技術(shù)參數(shù),就關(guān)心“能干啥,能比別人的強多少”。(感謝胖胡斐提供案例,更多Apple文案可參考Apple文案初品 )
    "Shoot, edit, share. All are hd." Don't need too complicated, user can understand at a glance. We say that the user does not care about these technical parameters, is concerned with "can do, how much" can be better than others. (thanks to fat flying fox provide case, more Apple document may refer to Apple copy) at the beginning of 
    Know things often don't know than what can inspire confidence, more strange things can only produce fear and speculation. If "afraid of lose drink wang ji" into "can eliminate the human body internal heat the cold resistance of Chinese herbal medicine drink", "to your intestines to bathe" into "removes waste, discharge poison to raise colour, would you still remember them? 

    Concise and enough 
    Everyone find Apple copywriter to write great, concise, fits. The words as little as possible? 
    I think to stand in the Angle of the design is such, the less word page is more concise atmospheric. However, in the eyes of document writing people are not. 
    79% of people don't read, will only scans; And 16% of people read everything. This is your target group 16%, interested in your products. If they are not interested in your products, also can't tube you more than words on a page. IDC institutions abroad has made a research to online users, with 50% of users are not complete the purchase of reason is the insufficient information. If users find the needed information, they will skip the rest click the buy button. If they see the whole page has not been touched, that's a problem. 
    This is a web site home page, you can see what is it doing? 
    所以說,盡量提供完整的信息。沒有長文案,只有差文案,少要建立在足夠的基礎(chǔ)上,同時要兼顧上下文??赡苡腥藭枺琼撁嫔系男畔⑻嘣趺崔k?其實很簡單,用tab 或link就可以解決。
    So, as far as possible to provide complete information. Not long, only a poor copy, little to build on the basis of enough, at the same time to take into account the context. May someone will ask, too much information on the page? Actually very simple, use TAB or link can be solved. 

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